This standalone microprocessor based LCD temperature controller provides proportional plus integral (P+I) and on/off temperature control for commercial Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning systems such as Hydronic Heating, Air Handling Unit, Heating Exchanger or Condensing Tower.
The T9275A1002 has a modulating analog 2 to 10Vdc or 4 to 20mA output and a 2A on/off output to realize various optional control functions including cool/heat changeover, cool/heat sequence control, emergency interlocking and auto-alarming control.
• PI (proportional plus integral) control action provides accurate, stable and comfortable temperature control.
• Be able to use with series 70 direct-coupled damper actuator or valve actuators like ML7420, ML7421 or ML7984.
• Big bakclit LCD to display both setting and measured value together features friendly user interface.
• Adjustable Zero Energy Band, On/Off Differential, Proportional Band and Temperature Offset.
• Analog output is manually setting available to be convenient for installation commission
• Optional 2 to 10Vdc or 4 to 20mA and reversible analog output
• Selectable internal and external temperature sensor.
• Match with Honeywell standard NTC20 temperature sensors.
• Wide temperature control range (–20 to 1100C by using external temperature sensor) is suitable for extreme temperature control such as steam and ice water.
• Meet various mounting requirements—direct wall mounting, front panel mounting and standard DIN rail mounting.
• Selectable horizontal or vertical wiring direction.
• Pluggable terminal block allows pre-wiring outside of the controller.
• Concisely designed push button for easy operation
• Compact size and slim design provide elegant and attractive modern style appearance.
IMPORTANT: The specifications given in this publication do not include normal manufacturing tolerances. Therefore, this unit may not exactly match the listed specifications. Also, this product is tested and calibrated under closely controlled conditions and some minor differences in performance can be expected if those conditions are changed.
T9275A provides 4 to 20mA or 2 to 10Vdc Proportional plus Integral modulating control and 4(2)A On/Off control.
T9275A1002 temperature controller is fit for following mounting methods:
• Direct wall mounting with standard electrical mounting box.
• Front panel mounting with available installation elements
• DIN rail mounting.
TERMINALS: Plug-in screw terminals are suitable for no. 20AWG wire.
POWER SUPPLY: AC24V± 20%, 50/60Hz, 2VA.
10-60℃ (internal temperature sensor)
-20-110℃ (external temperature sensor)
T9275A1002 温度控制器
WFS-1001-H 水流开关
V5011P1004 DN25螺纹二通水阀
V5011P1012 DN32螺纹二通水阀
V5011P1020 DN40螺纹二通水阀
V5011P1038 DN50螺纹二通水阀
V5011N2048/U DN15螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5011N2055/U DN20螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5011P2036 DN25螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5011P2002 DN32螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5011P2010 DN40螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5011P2028 DN50螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5211F1004 DN65螺纹二通水阀
V5211F1012 DN80螺纹二通水阀
V5211F2002 DN65螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5211F2010 DN80螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5013P1002 DN32螺纹三通水阀
V5013P1010 DN40螺纹三通水阀
V5013P1028 DN50螺纹三通水阀
V5329A2077 DN65法兰三通水阀
V5329A2085 DN80法兰三通水阀
V5050A2088 DN100法兰三通水阀
FT6961-18 防冻开关
GD250W4NB 一氧化碳传感器
TR21/U 室内温度传感器
TR21-H/U 室内温湿度传感器
VF20-1B54NW 水管温度传感器
WB150 水管温度传感器套管
PUL6438S 现场DDC控制器(性价比极高)
PUL6438SR 现场DDC控制器(性价比极高)
PUB4024 现场DDC控制器(性价比极高)
PUB6438S 现场DDC控制器(性价比极高)
PUB6438SR 现场DDC控制器(性价比极高)
SIO12000 现场输入输出模块(性价比极高)
SIO6042 现场输入输出模块(性价比极高)
SIO4022 现场输入输出模块(性价比极高)
TB7980A1006/U 温度控制器
50014157-001/U 风管温度传感器,NTC 10K
V5011N1040/U DN15螺纹二通水阀
V5011N1057/U DN20螺纹二通水阀
V5211F2010 DN80螺纹二通蒸汽阀
V5328A2003 DN50法兰二通蒸汽阀
V5013N1063/U DN25螺纹三通水阀
V5050A2106 DN125法兰三通水阀
V5050A2114 DN150法兰三通水阀
V5328A1061 DN65法兰二通水阀
DT200-M01 联网温控主控面板(风机盘管联网控制用)
DT200-S01 联网温控副控面板(风机盘管联网控制用)
DT200-S02 联网温控副控面板(风机盘管联网控制用)
DT200-S04 联网温控副控面板(风机盘管联网控制用)
MC200 联网温控控制盒(风机盘管联网控制用、二管制系统)
MC204 联网温控控制盒(风机盘管联网控制用、四管制系统)
RS200F 联网温控外接温度传感器(风机盘管联网控制用)
DPTE50S 空气压差传感器(-50Pa-50Pa)
E121-1/2A DN15自动排气阀
V5032Y0020B DN20静态平衡阀
V5032Y0025B DN25静态平衡阀
V5032Y0032B DN32静态平衡阀
V5032Y0040B DN40静态平衡阀
V5032Y0050B DN50静态平衡阀
FT6961-30 防冻开关
FT6961-60 防冻开关
H7012B1024 房间型温湿度传感器(NTC20K)
H7508B1080 室外温湿度传感器(NTC20K)
H7508B1060 室外温湿度传感器(0-10VDC)
H7012B1008 房间型温湿度传感器
DPTE500 空气压差传感器
DPTE100 空气压差传感器
DPTE1000 空气压差传感器
T9275B1001 单回路温度控制器(联网通用型)
P7620C0042B 水压差传感器(电压型)
P7620C0042A 水压差传感器(电流型)
TR42/U 挂墙模块
TR71/U 挂墙模块
VF00-1B54NW 水管温度传感器(PT1000)
WB150 温度传感器套管
XL50A-UMMI-PC 现场DDC控制器(经典款、带显示)
XL50A-UPC 现场DDC控制器(经典款、不带显示)
XL50A-UMMIPCCBLON 现场DDC控制器(经典款、带显示、带LON通讯)
XL50A-UPCCBLON 现场DDC控制器(经典款、不带显示、带LON通讯)
XL50A-MMI-EP 现场DDC控制器(经典款、带显示、不带通讯)
XL100C 现场DDC控制器(经典款、36个输入输出点)
Q7055C1017/U 网络控制器(两条C-BUS总线)
Q7055C1009/U 网络控制器(一条C-BUS总线)
WEB-600E 网络控制器(WEBs控制系统)
WEB-300E 网络控制器(WEBs控制系统)
XCL8010A 现场DDC集中控制器(SymmetrE控制系统)
R7428A1006 多回路温湿度控制器